Judy Shufro has an Art Exhibit
Judy Shufro, who taught art at Trinity from 1970 to 1992, has an upcoming art exhibit in San Diego, California, at Bread & Cie, a bakery owned by a Trinity alumnus, Charles Kaufman '66. Judy writes, "How coincidental is that? I taught Art at Trinity for twenty-two years. I bought the School's first kiln, set up the shop/arts program, designed the Brass Pavilion art room for the elementary school, and was a Trinity Faculty Fellow. Hello to all my former students!"
The exhibit, titled "Dancers and Cows," will be on view from 3-31 December 2013 at Bread & Cie, located at 350 University Avenue in San Diego. View Judy's work at www.judithshufro.com.