James Cifelli is New Director of Performing Arts
Jim Cifelli will lead as Trinity's director of performing arts, effective 1 September 2012. Jim, who has taught at Trinity for over sixteen years, will work with others in the School to imagine ways to integrate the arts even more effectively into our educational program. He is excited by the Strategic Plan’s call to develop partnerships with institutions in the city, and is eager to explore ways in which the School’s arts program can make best use of the extensive arts resources available to us through parents, alumni and others. We look forward to seeing what he can do for performing arts at Trinity.

James Cifelli Receives The Greenberg Family-Alumni Associati...
James Cifelli Receives The Greenberg Family-Alumni Association Distinguished Teaching Award 2011
Jim Cifelli has been awarded the Greenberg Family-Alumni Association Distinguished Teaching Award for 2011. The Distinguished Teaching Endowment was created in 1983 as a tribute to Clarence Bruner-Smith, Dudley M. Maxim '32 and Frank G. Smith. In 1988, the Alumni Association decided to establish an annual award to a teacher who has taught at Trinity for ten years or more, exemplifies the history and traditions of the School and who has demonstrated excellence in teaching. The prize, now known as the Greenberg Family-Alumni Association Distinguished Teaching Award, was increased to $10,000 in 2004. Since its inception, twenty-four teachers have received this honor, their names displayed prominently on the Greenberg Family – Alumni Association Distinguished Teaching Prize Plaque in the Great Hall. We add a twenty-fifth to that list. With so many deserving teachers at Trinity, it is always a difficult decision for the Alumni Association. This year’s winner has taught at Trinity for fifteen years. A warm, caring teacher who inspires his students to reach new heights in what they can do both individually and as a group. It is truly a great honor to present this award to Jim Cifelli.