John A. Reynolds is Traveling and Enjoying Retirement
John writes, "I am still enjoying retirement in Maine. Last September, we sold our condo in Stamford and have become full-time maniacs. We have found Portland to be a real "foodie" city with some very good cultural events. In addition to taking our dogs to two nursing homes, Marsha and I have been volunteering at the Animal Welfare Society and the Saco Food Pantry. We've also managed to get in some travel. After Thanksgiving, we had a very pleasant cruise to the Caribbean. In February, we took a cruise out of Venice, Italy and went to the Eastern Mediterranean. Our itinerary included Egypt, but that was changed to two days in Israel. In May, we visited an old friend in Florida. He took us to a musical (Beehive - about the women rock singers of the 60s), and we saw Charlie Fornara, who was piano player, conductor and musical director. Charlie is doing a lot of work in musical theater in the Naples, Florida area. Now, we''re looking forward to a wonderful summer watching the Red Sox and our local Portland Sea Dogs."