Lesleigh Gennace Receives Dedication
Chris Schoberl, head of the Middle School, read the following dedication out loud during the final faculty and staff luncheon of the 2010-2011 academic year:
"Lesleigh has been at Trinity for five years. She will be leaving us to teach closer to her home at a high school in Newark, New Jersey, a charter school where she is going to teach all different levels of Spanish. The school year starts August 16th and ends June 18th, so it’s a bit different than our schedule… and she is also going to have to pack her own lunch each day (which would’ve been a deal breaker for me, I have to admit).
"My earliest memory of Lesleigh is the time we attended a white privilege conference way down town. Lesleigh was the Middle School diversity coordinator and I was a brand new principal… tired, wanting the day to end, but from the moment we met up to depart, grabbed a cup of coffee, and started talking, time evaporated as I was pulled into the Lesleigh orbit and listened to her talk about her life, her students, and her devotion to the issue of diversity in independent schools. I am delighted that she chose a charter school because I know how important it is for charters to attract really good people, and how hard it sometimes is for them to run those programs. Say’s Lesleigh about her time at Trinity, 'How could I forget Trinity! I spent my mid 20s here!'
"When thinking about Lesleigh, her colleague use these words: kind, gentle, funny, eager to help out always, and a complete professional. Lesleigh has been my guide, my 'language clone,' and my friend. She has looked after my physical health, showed me how to sit straight in chapel, brought me chocolates when I was down. Lesleigh saved me from a vicious roach attack, and saved me from a heart attack by showing me a shortcut through turf so I did not need to climb four flights of stairs between the Lower School and Middle School. Lesleigh provided daily sunshine with her colorful dress even on dreary winter days, introduced me to Yogi teas and the deep meaning printed on the individual teabags. She introduced me to yoga and the pleasures of downward dog or reverse triangle."