Linda M. D’Apolito Receives Dedication
"Linda D’Apolito is a woman after my own heart," says Upper School Principal Jessica Bagby. "She cares deeply about kids and she loves her discipline. In fact, she’s a true scientist by training and a teacher by vocation. Given her rich experience in the field as a practicing scientist, I imagine that in an ideal world she would design her classes and labs on boats in the ocean—and other settings in which her students could see and live life science first hand. Over the past three years, Linda has worked to bring her wonder as a scientist to our students, and she has been a wonderfully generous collaborator as a colleague. I know I and so many others among us will miss Linda’s kindness, collegiality, communal spirit, and sense of adventure. Linda, we wish you godspeed and the very best in the personal and professional journey ahead."

Linda M. D’Apolito is Leaving Trinity
Linda let us know that, while living in Manhattan has been a great adventure, she and her husband have discovered that they are New Englanders by heart and want to return to what has become their home. She left Trinity at the end of the 2010-2011 academic year, and we wish them well on their next adventure!

Linda M. D’Apolito and Howard Warren Present Science C...
Linda and Howard Warren (Lower School Science) presented a curriculum piece that Howard wrote entitled “You Can’t Judge a Book by its Cover… But a Fish is a Different Story” at the National Science Teachers Association Convention in Baltimore, Maryland.