Marianne David Coauthors Spanish Textbooks
Marianne David has coauthored four Spanish language textbooks: Defining and Re-Defining Diasporas: From Theory to Reality with Javier Muñoz-Basols (Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2011), Spanish Idioms in Practice: Understanding Language and Culture (Routledge, 2013) and Developing Writing Skills in Spanish (Routledge, 2011) with Javier Muñoz-Basols and Yolanda Pérez Sinusía, and Speed Up Your Spanish: Strategies to Avoid Common Errors with Javier Muñoz-Basols and Olga Núñez Piñeiro (Routledge, 2009).

Marianne David Receives Dedication
John Allman, head of Trinity School, read the following dedication out loud during the final faculty and staff luncheon of the 2010-2011 academic year: "What a rich array of gifts Marianne David has brought to us since her arrival here as a part-time French teacher in 1982. Teacher, scholar, artist, master of no less than five languages, in her own inimitable way, Marianne has taught both French and Spanish in our Middle and Upper Schools, has served as the advisor to Rasgos, has led student trips, and has traveled and studied herself at various locales here and abroad. During her nearly three decades in our classrooms, some of the hallmarks of her work have been her passion for using creative activities to engage her students’ imagination as well as intellect; her keen interest in interdisciplinary education, encouraging students to make connections across the disciplines of literature, art, history, language, and culture; her abiding interest in the complex interaction of media, language, and education; her intellectual preoccupation with the notion of 'convivencia,' the flourishing of culturally pluralistic communities, most notably in Andalusia; and, most of all, her masterful ability to teach her students how to caress, poke, prod, cajole complex texts to elicit meaning and significance from them. Marianne, we cannot wait to see what treasures you will produce as you leave us to spend more time painting and writing."
Marianne donated this book to the Trinity School library upon her retirement: Praisers of Folly: Erasmus, Rabelais, Shakespeare by Walter Kaiser
In Marianne’s first year in graduate school she took a Renaissance literature course with a wonderful professor, the late Thomas M. Greene, who constantly referred to Kaiser's book. Her choice has to do with one of her finest memories as a student.

Marianne David is Retiring
Marianne writes, "There is a time for everything in life. While I had meant to retire in June 2012, I have increasingly been feeling the urge to paint and write full time. Having been at Trinity for twenty-eight years, enjoying the experience tremendously, my decision is a bitter-sweet one. I thank you all: students, colleagues, administrators, staff. God bless you!"
We thank her for her years spent teaching at Trinity School, and wish her well on her retirement!