Myles B. Amend and Marc A. Thomas Marry!
All best wishes to Myles B. Amend, associate head for advancement, and his husband, Marc A. Thomas. They were married on 24 July 2011, the first day of marriage equality in New York State. Their daughter, Ashley, who enters Kindergarten this fall, was ring bearer. May the public recognition of their union contribute to many years of happiness and joy. Congratulations on being among the couples who participated in, and made possible, this historic day.

Myles B. Amend is Now Associate Head of School for Advanceme...
On 1 July 2011, Myles Amend’s title changed from director of development and alumni relations to associate head of school for advancement. This change provides Myles with a title that better reflects the additional responsibilities he has assumed over the past two years as well as those responsibilities that he will assume in 2011-2012. Head of School John Allman wrote, "Since my arrival Myles has been the member of senior staff designated to serve as the school’s chief executive if, for some reason, I am unavailable. In addition, as cochair of the strategic planning process, Myles has assumed a significant leadership role well beyond the scope of development and alumni relations, and, in recent months, he has been extraordinarily involved in managing community and media relations as the school has dealt with a variety of issues." Congratulations and all best wishes to Myles.