Regina M. Dorian is Math Department Head
Head of School John Allman has announced the appointment of Regina Dorian as the new math department chair. As he wrote, "I am delighted to report that Regina Dorian has accepted my invitation to serve as permanent math department chair, effective immediately. In her work as interim department chair over two and a half of the last three years, she has worked tirelessly, selflessly, and professionally on behalf of the department. Working closely with the department, she has overseen the hiring of ten of the department’s fourteen members, bringing to Trinity exceptionally strong math teachers who continue to foster the collegiality and collaboration that distinguishes the department. In our Middle School, she has worked with Middle School faculty and Middle School principal Chris Schoberl to guide adjustments that have strengthened our program. And, in our Upper School, she has served as a steadfast advocate for the department and, in recent weeks, has organized impressive work by the department to develop dual curricular paths to serve the varied educational needs of Upper School math students. "Over the course of the spring, as I have learned of the department’s steady progress to develop these dual paths, it became increasingly clear to me that, at this moment in the life of our math department, no department head candidate from beyond Trinity – not even Euclid himself – could serve the department or school better than Regina Dorian. Having taught in both middle and upper divisions at a variety of grade levels during her twenty-nine years within our math department, no one has a broader or deeper understanding of our program or our school, and, as interim, she has demonstrated her interest in being an active presence in math classrooms from Kindergarten to Grade Twelve. The School is extraordinarily fortunate that, at this stage in her career, she is eager to serve as department head and to fill her days with matters mathematical."

Regina M. Dorian Receives Wallach Administrator Travel Grant
Regina has been awarded the Wallach Administrator Travel Grant. With this grant, Regina will embark on a Scandinavian adventure to visit the Arctic and see the top of the world. She plans to enjoy the natural and cultural wonders of the region, and is optimistic that she will be able to see everything since the sun will be up all the time.