Rene Silva has Another Life Update
Rene writes, "From Trinity, I went to teach at Farleigh Dickinson University in Rutherford, New Jersey until 1987. I moved to Florida and spent my time playing tennis, reading, and servicing the community whenever called. I will be ninety-one this month (November), and my wife and children are all well. I have a great grandson (seven months old). We are all happy and remembering with pride my three years at Trinity."

Rene Silva has an Update from Florida
Rene updates: “I retired from Fairleigh Dickinson University in 1987 and moved to sunny Florida. I played tennis until age forced me to take reading and cross-word puzzles as hobbies. I have a wife with three children and the family is in good health. Enjoying life at eighty-nine and still remembering many of my good students at Trinity.”