Steven C. Rochen Celebrates Twenty-Five Years at Trinity

Steven C. Rochen has Musical News
Steven writes, "'A Piece of Pi', my composition for solo violin based on the irrational number π (pi) is now being published by Ovation Press. It has been performed in serious recitals, math symposia, and in schools! I was excited last year to be flown down to Baltimore to be present at a concert of music by contemporary composers featured in a recital at Peabody Conservatory and I am happy that people perform the music. "On 2 February, I will be conducting the ISO Carnegie Hill Orchestra during a concert at Carnegie Hall celebrating the fortieth anniversary of the InterSchool Orchestras." (Visit https://www.isorch.org/ for more information.)

Steven C. Rochen Composes Violin Music for Pi Day
A few years ago, Steven composed "A Piece of Pi" for violin for Trinity's Pi Day celebration to honor the School's math teachers. Since then, he has had requests for the music from all around the world and the YouTube video he posted now has over 20,000 views. Steven writes, "Two weeks ago, I was brought down to Baltimore, Maryland, to appear while a doctoral candidate performed the piece during a recital of contemporary composers. That was a real high point for my composing career, having a piece of music performed at a conservatory and being asked to stand to receive applause at the end of the piece!" To listen to the piece and read more about the project, visit https://www.violinist.com/blog/czechsteve/20113/12149/

Steven C. Rochen Performs at Third Street Music School Settl...
Steven performed as a soloist in a concerto for violin and oboe with an orchestra at the Third Street Music School Settlement in the East Village on 18 March 2010. The performance was for their 31st Annual BachFest, a concert celebrating Bach’s birthday.