Yvonne Wang Returns to Trinity
After a brief hiatus from Trinity to serve as a founding teacher and curriculum specialist at Brilla College Prep Charter School, Yvonne returns as a head Kindergarten teacher. She also serves as the Kindergarten curriculum coordinator and is a member of Trinity's Kindergarten admissions committee. While at Brilla Yvonne developed the school-wide social studies and science curriculum which aims at challenging students to think critically about the world while embracing it through a multiple lens approach. Yvonne has worked with children her entire life; she is passionate in learning about their cognitive development, and she deeply values being an integral part of their daily learning and growing process.
With an undergraduate degree from New York University in communication and media studies, Yvonne spent some time working in marketing and brand development. Making a quick career shift, Yvonne earned a masters in childhood education from Hunter College while starting her teaching career. Other than being passionate about education, Yvonne also enjoys wandering the city on her bicycle, going rock climbing, watching movies and documentaries, enjoying lazy days, and reading. She is always exploring and seeking new adventures—both at home and abroad.

Yvonne Wang is Leaving Trinity

Yvonne Wang is a New Assistant Teacher in Kindergarten
Yvonne Wang is joining us from PS 59, Beekman Hill International School, where she worked as a first grade assistant teacher. This summer, Yvonne finished her graduate school program and earned a master’s degree in childhood education from Hunter College. She spent this summer teaching rising fifth graders at the GO Project, an educational program that serves low-income New York City public school children. Yvonne has always had an interest in learning about people: what makes them tick, what drives them, and what they can do. After she was convinced that she would not find a job with her sociology major, Yvonne studied communications and media studies instead. She worked in marketing for a while, fascinated with the power and influence that the media has on society, our self-image, and our psyche (propaganda at its finest and sneakiest?). But this wasn't enough. In the end, what makes Yvonne most happy is working with children. She is still studying people, but now just... little people!